Backlash over new 'women's only' craze has Japan split down the middle

Story here. Excerpt:

'At 2 o'clock every afternoon, an employee of Buon Viaggio walks out to the front of the restaurant in the JR Hakodate Station building and posts a huge sign saying, "Women Only," according to AERA (7/17).'

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If it's OK to segregate services and businesses on the basis of gender, then men are entitled to open private businesses, associations and clubs as well. We're entitled to the same degree of freedom from women as they claim from us.

Still, I have to ask: how does this differ from "whites only" signs on restrooms and fountains?

If it's OK to segregate on the basis of gender, then it's OK to segregate on the basis of religion. Or sexual orientation. Or nationality. Or race. When does the first straight, all-white, all-Christian, all-male university open up? Now that it's ethical and legal and all.

Nicely done, girls. The KKK was hoping you'd come to the rescue. What is it with groups that demand "equality" and an end to segregation, and then immediately turn around and demand segregation again?

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The Feminist movement wants to dominate and control. They just wrap their messages in a "equality for women" tone and use moral trump cards like rape and child abuse as wepons to ensure no one asks questions.

I mean look at how quicky they are expelling men from once honourable professions like Teaching, medicine and even law. There are HUGE risks for any man who's passion in life is one of these feilds these days because all it would take is for one woman to make a false claim to have him perminantly barred from his profession wether he was convicted of anything or not.

Come to Canada sometime... we are as bad or wore then Japan when it comes to "Woman Only"

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I'm already in Canada, Paragon, so I know very much what you mean. Hell, our "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" contains an explicit exclusion (s. 15.2) that's being used to give women special perks and privileges, despite the fact that by any objective measure of gender disparities, it is men who are at a "disadvantage" in terms of government representation, healthcare, education and employment! I guess we can thank that fool Trudeau. He was, after all, the moron who funded feminism from the "top down" in our society.

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I was trying to find a gym to join when I moved to my new house. There are two womens only gyms directly across the street from one another whitin a few minutes walk from my house. There are no mens only gyms in town and the clossest gym that serves both genders is on the other end of town.

There's a reason why Canada is called the most feminist country in the world.

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