Female "care-givers" force-feed elderly woman with talcum powder

Although the three women workers were actually captured on video force-feeding talcum powder to an 89-year-old disabled woman, they were acquitted of assault by the court.

The agency they worked for had its license revoked and went out of business, and now the victim has received compensation.

What is the reason for the perpetrators' acquittal? It can only be because they are women. Can you imagine what would have happened if 3 men had done this? They would be doing jail time for sure. Story here.

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It could have been worse. Imagine if those three elderly women were men. Not only would those 3 female care-gives been given a slap on the wrist, but they would be the envy of all of their female friends.

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They tortured this poor woman to the point that she would flintch anytime anyone came near her

The poor womans family will never be able to trust long term care agencies again and had no doubt endured tremendious pain and suffering as a result of this

They could easily have been guilty of murder (and probably attempted murder charges would have been more fitting then assault charges) given the womans poor health

They single handedly cost their company thousands of dollars and forced them to close down. How many others lost their jobs as a result?

But these women were given a free pass... aquitted on all charges!

I am a big believer the men are treated far to harshly for their crimes in modern western countries. I think that there are literally millions of men in the feminized countries rotting away in prison cells that are absolutely no risk to the general public and do not need to be in prison

But at the same time I am also a firm believer that there are tens of millions of women in the "Feminized" countries who have been let completely off the hook for crimes that would land a man in the same circumstances in prison for a very long time.

The reason why "Men [appear to] commit the vast majority of crimes" is simply because we refuse to hold women accountable for the crimes they commit. They just are not prosecuted most of the time and when they are they are often aquitted and the only concievable reason why is that they are women.

And the worst part of all is that it is WOMEN and not men who prey most on societies most vulnerable members - the young and the old.

Crime is a human issue and is commited by humans - not just men. Like wise, acts of loving and caring are HUMAN behaviors - not just women.

Men are every bit as capable as women at performing caring and nurtering... there is just no incentives for men in the western world to assume such duties - there are only risks if a man gives up his traditional provider role because he has absolutely no rights when it somes to his own children. If a man choses to be a stay at home dad and mom decides to find a rich new boyfriend she will leave him pennyless in the streets with nothing.

Men get all the responsablities

Women get all the rights

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This is all very ironic: feminism used to be about attaining equality for women. But due to that premise being inherently flawed, as discovered by both feminists and masculists, we now have this to deal with. This case mostly seems to show that women have NO integrity: no integrity to take the time for the crime, and no integrity to take a lot of other things (a few years ago I would have definitely called myself sexist for stating such a thing, but the more I see of this nature, the more I’m propelled to address it for what it is). If integrity is a condition of wholeness, that entails understanding your position as a finite, moral human being, of being steely and strong enough to take existence’s onslaughts, then it’s obvious that many women are full of holes or at least perceived to be by same chivalric dumps of judges that let them off the hook–and it is no wonder. Women live in a culture that lets them get away with numerous crimes, even as heinous and repugnant as drowning five (or was four?–oh, mitigating circumstances) small children under some inadequately researched condition known as post-partum depression(I wish I had the exact citation for this, I remember where I read this, but just bear with me). They frequently see so many women getting off for major crimes, creating a feeling among them that they are immune and impenetrable to punishment. How indescribably sickening, to have a bunch of delusional “superwomen” going around thinking they are inculpable, and actually being right. Seriously, why don’t we just flush the toilet now? End it already? It is a nightmare state we live in when idiotic zombies–you might call them “judges” and juries– actually watch footage of this, study the effects it had on the elderly women ad hoc, and then still “see” (as incredibly blindsighted as they are) no cause for punishment. But ultimately, this means it is pathetic to be a woman, to be so vulnerable as to not be able to take even a goddamn fine. It actually seems like a weakness to me. It will take some time to purge these thoroughly warped pseudo-chivalric judges (because chivalry, before the Nightmare State, never entailed given women special treatment if they committed crimes, nor should it have, because in those days women were treated as the fallible people–like men– that they still would be if not for the culture of make-believe, wrought, in part, by ideological/radical/gender feminists and their brethren) and the contaminated mind set of the people who support such notions (oh don’t punish those poor, weak, vulnerable little women, because underneath the scum, that’s all this mind set is saying). So why don’t we just flush the toilet? Because this is yet another historical challenge that we, as humanity, must resist. There certianly have been similar eras in history that had similar injustices. The next biggest challenge in history, I speculate, is going to be the humongous challenge of standing up to women, and particularly the malignant factions of feminism; and standing up to the pseudo-chivalric, deluded, misguided dupes who support their immorality that leads to this. The warrior spirit in men will re-arise to fight this–and no, I’m talking about slaughtering ideological feminist-minded women and the losers that support them, but doing it in a much more modern way, whatever that way may be. At any rate, never despair; a warrior never despairs.

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