Protesting outside the Judges / Lawyers Homes
Submitted by Paul Catton on Mon, 2006-07-10 05:17
Here in New Zealand we have found that taking the protests directly (Note: preceding link opens directly to RealMedia clip) to Family Court Lawyers and Judges, outside their homes is the most effective way of letting these Family Court parasites know the true damage they inflict upon seperated families and children. (Main video page here).
These protests are completely legal and let the neighbourhood know what a seriously nasty neigbour they have.
Kind Regards
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Why aren't we all doing this?
This is what we should be doing, here in the U.S. and EVERYwhere in the Western world.
"Hoka hey!"
I would do this in a
I would do this in a hearbeat! That is one of the saddest things I have ever seen and still the feminazies still spit there anti-male venom all over the report. I can't believe that that woman had the nerve to get on the report and say "Looking at how they act here, its no wonder they are in the situations they are in!" To me thats like saying, "How dare they stand up for something they beleive in!" And my wife wonders why I refuse to have kids with her and her Femanist ways.
Men's Rights NOW!!
I would do this in a heartbeat
It is very effective, get yourself and some others who have been shafted with any new partners and (system abused)children if there are any, find some of the nasty lawyers, and just do it!!
Protesting outside courts is like a firing squad, everyone inside thinks they have the blank.
At home scum and neighbours know who you are and why you're there.
Go for it.
Why aren't we all doing this?
Well why aren't you???
Get some fellow and fellowesses and do it.
Take new partners and any marginalised children.
Tell the community that they have a seriously nasty neighbour at ??????
Give as much detail as legally possible and do a mail drop around the scumbags house quoting Family Court Destruction statistics.