NYTimes.com: At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust

Here is an interesting article on women attending college more, graduating with honors more, etc., but not to worry -- according to the article there is no crisis in boys ... sure they are expelled from high school more, sure they are more likely to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, sure they drop out more, but hey they still earn much more on the dollar than women. Sheesh! Is it my imagination or does this article try a little too hard to legitimate the sudden acceleration of girls in school at the expense of boys...?

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... colleges are pretty much entirely attended and run by females.

The whole tone of the article was just this: boys just don't want to do as well or work as hard so they don't. The article doesn't even come close to mentioning the atmosphere on college campuses that trumpets and touts females over males at every turn, the "affirmative action" programs that have placed women into "special programs" of one or another kind, etc., etc.

Colleges could be 100% female-attended and run and the press would say there was nothing wrong with it. Read me now, believe me later, it will not be long before a college-educated 25-year-old man is hard to find, and when you do find him, he will likely be an Army draftee.

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i have a masters degree, and without sounding arrogant, i didnt try very hard, and still received very good grades. i dont believe a degree, grades or testing gives an accurate depiction of a persons
intellect or ability to assimilate in the work force. i really believe females tend to thrive in structured educational environments. males tend to challenge structure and question authority. qualities i think might be more beneficial in creating change in society. possibly men dont find it necessary to attain a 4.0 gpa in college because they dont equate their intellect with an arbitrary number. i also wonder if women make use of their degree's as well as men do.


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I found this article fascinating, maybe because I have been a part of the "higher ed" system in my career.

These are just quick random takes on many possible themes in the piece:

- college women are passing up the boys by conforming to a very structured, institutionalized regime of classes, studying, classes, studying, etc.

- women tend to endorse group-think and comfortable, predictable social systems

- but there's a paradox in that these young women want to "launch a high-paying career" and then drop out of the corporate grind to make babies!

- these women are going to have very rude awakenings in about ten years from now...

- and, where will they fish for their high-income professional, intellectual husbands, since men are now a minority of college grads?

- maybe she will figure out how to have an "intellectual conversation" with a plumber making $85,000 a year?

- the reporter who wrote this piece had an obvious bias to interview only "slacker" men

- what are the implications for the U.S. economy that we are investing incredible sums of money in a generation of "Sex & the City" wannabees who actually believe they can both make babies and become corporate CEO's?

- why are these young women so disconnected from the realities of their choices?

- who is going to tell them the truth?

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Fred Reed nails it once again in his latest essay ("The Boy Crisis"): "Women don’t understand [boys], and what they don’t understand, they outlaw."

[See my comment on "Why boys really are in a crisis" below.]

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Fred is a truly great writer.... right up there with Hunter Thompson and Mark Twain for serious irony.

He had the good sense to leave FemAmerica and move to a civilized country with actual non-lethal women.

Mexico agrees with him, as I'm sure it would with most MRA's if they just had the gumption to up and leave.

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Excellent insight. In Fred Reed's article, the data clearly supports the latter part of 'excelling or conforming'. The fact that boys get lower grades, but higher achievement test scores indicates this.

Consider your questions along the general line 'where will these feminists/Joe Bidens/chivalrists/women-who-claim-not-to-be-feminists turn when reality hits?'. To attempt to answer this question, I pose another: Where have they turned in the past? They will turn to the same place they always have: the government, any government. The excuses used to justify this, I leave to the reader -- we've heard them all before. I also leave to the reader the determination as to whom they will blame. (Hint: how is it that fathers are the primary problem when 70% of divorces are executed by women?)

I never understood how vicious the phrase 'the personal is political' was, prior to seeing the fallout we're now seeing. It is, in a nutshell, the kernel, the essential distillation if you will, of Orwell's 1984.


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It's true.

I know some people who have Masters dergrees and PhDs that are not particularly gifted intellectually.

I also know some high school drop outs who's intellect astonishes me.

Pieces of paper mean little over all in determining one's intellegance in my opinion.

And university campuses are not the bastiens of free thought that most think they are anyway.

It's all about how well you can assimilate and regurgitate information that determines success or failure. Challengin ideas that are presented to you in higher education settings is just as disruptive and frowned upon in most institutions these days as a young boy not sitting still in his chair in grade school.

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Is it the feminists? partially.
Is it women as a whole? partially.
Is it complacent men? Largely.
Is it Wussie-poopie men that want to see this happen? MOSTLY.

I was taught as a child that much of the time people will do to you just what you allow them too.
It is MEN that have allowed this to happen. And it will be women who will have the power to keep certain that men will forever be the new underclass of the Western world.

I blame feminists and women for starting this phenomenon.
But I blame men for allowing it to happen and allowing it to continue.
Soon, they will not even have the choice.

It is utter madness that the lamb willingly comes to his own slaughter...

"Hoka hey!"

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" never understood how vicious the phrase 'the personal is political' was, prior to seeing the fallout we're now seeing."

It's not a new observation, though it's worth emphasizing again and again that Feminism appropriated Marxist "class warfare" language and just spray-painted it indiscriminately across the landscape of female-male relations.

After only forty years, what was once understood as "romance" is now legally defined as "gender warfare."

That is an amazing accomplishment!

To make women and men, formerly partners, friends, lovers, and comrades even...

into hateful, suspicious, threatened, insecure adversaries...

Well, you have to give credit where credit is due!

It's never been easy to subvert a civilization.

Feminism has achieved.... nearly ... just that.

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"It's never been easy to subvert a civilization.

Feminism has achieved.... nearly ... just that."

If you keep making observations like this, you're going to topple David Usher from his post as the most insightful MRA. :)


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I agree with you that Fred is a gifted and entertaining writer, and I agree wholeheartedly with many of his ideas. Undoubtedly, it is tempting to go to some other country and hook up with a traditional woman. But personally, I can't condone it, anymore than I can condone evading the draft, or the hordes of illegal aliens fleeing their countries to come here. Why? Because I believe that as Americans, we have a moral obligation to stay here and fight the good fight. We live in a society where we have the opportunity to effect change. It may be an uphill battle, but as has been noted elsewhere, we must all of us share the blame for allowing things to get this far out of hand. It is the RIGHT thing to do; and it is the-dare I say it-MANLY thing to do, IMHO.

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