U.K. Study Finds Women Seeking Repeated Abuse

A new study from the U.K. makes a controversial claim about domestic violence, documenting that some women repeatedly seek out abusive relationships. These findings dispute the dominant feminist DV creed that the Evil Patriarchy is the sole explanation for domestic conflict. Erin Pizzey, who set up the first woman’s refuge in 1971, said that the study confirmed what she had been saying for years: “Violent relationships can be like an addiction to drugs and alcohol and these are the people who need the most help.”

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Of course the study doesn't mention abused men. I can't help but wonder though if perhaps the same thing isn't happening with abused men as well, since abusiveness, as well as having tolerance for being abused, is a human phenomenon-- unlike what feminists have touted it as being a man vs. woman phenomenon.

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Of course many women seek out abusive relationships. They get that very special victim status for it. If feeds their egos and feelings of self-importance. It a manifestation of the so-called Munchausen syndrome.

In Munchausen syndrome, the sufferer feigns, exaggerates, or creates symptoms of illnesses in himself or herself in order to gain investigation, treatment, attention, sympathy, and comfort from medical personnel. The role of "patient" (or victim; my emphasis) is a familiar and comforting one, and it fills a psychological need in people with Munchausen's.



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Just from my experience... (abusive mother, two and a half abusive ex-girlfriends) I have to say that I don't zero in on abusive women. Inside of a relationship I tend to overlook bad behavior on a consistant basis. If Ms. Psycho can behave herself for two dates I am in for pain. I also have a higher tolerance for abuse inside a relationship at a level that a normal man would kick Ms Psycho to the curb. (or go into hiding)

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OK, I'll bite.

How can you have two and 1/2 abusive ex-girlfriends?

Was she a dwarf, only friendly 50% of the time, or half-way into a gender-alteration process?

These are the only logical explanations I could come up with for the "1/2" remark.

What's the true story?

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OK, I'll bite.

How can you have two and 1/2 abusive ex-girlfriends?

Well... First there were abusive ex-GF's #1 and #2.

What should've been abusive ex-GF #3 only kind of counts because she knew my history and held back on her normal abusive behavior -- relying almost completely on manipulation. When manipulation failed, she lashed out and bolted shortly afterwards with a pre-emptive dump. It was as if she flipped out, whipped out a gun, fired, and then found out she had a starter pistol... I think she was generally manipulative and abusive only when manipulation failed enough times.

I was utterly horrified to get snookered AGAIN after taking every precaution...

Of course I've had a number of ex-GF's that were wacko but not violent/abusive. I've tolerated all sorts of bad behavior, not just abusive behavior... :-(

Oh yeah, a pre-emptive dump is kind of like quitting before getting fired...

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Well, at least you had the good fortune of not getting married to any of these whackjobs!

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I don't understand.
Why would ANYONE, male or female SEEK OUT an abusive partner????
I know there are some men and women who are masochistic, but they are in the minority, aren't they?? I don't get it.

"Hoka hey!"

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I know in Canada when a woman files charges against a man for sexual or domestic abuse related charges she is entiteled to "Victum Services Money" which usually adds up to about $1200

The kicker is there is no strings attatched to this money, she presses charges, cries a little to her victum services counsellor, gets paid, and has no further obligation. No conviction is required, she can drop the charges and not owe a cent back, she can refuse to testify at the trial, it's all good.

And since Canada does not keep record of false acussers its not a huge stratch of the imagination that there are women up here who are making a career out of falsely accussing men for profit...

I have personally experienced one so I know they exist... she falsely charged me and previous to me three other men had been falsely charged by her... She got paid for each one but I lost my career over it

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