Verizon is at it again

Well it seems Verizon hasn't learned their lesson from their earlier misandric commercials. The new one has a guy ask a (female) hardware store worker if they stock Verizon phones with navigation systems. To which, she gives the usual annoyed facial expression & the "Ummmm, you're in a hardware store" response. The idiot man then says "wow, I need that phone more than I thought!" Voiceover with phone info. & then it cuts to the same man leaving the Verizon store confused & you hear the phone say "go left" & the man follows the orders.

Right back to the "idiot man" formula. I will be switching to Cingular as soon as my contract ends.

...No doubt.

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Recently my contract with Cingular was up and I stayed with Cingular. Why? Verizon provides a better quality of service, have repeaters for their network in my workplace, they provide higher customer satisfaction, and are priced competively. Despite all this, I stayed with Cingular. I won't give money to a company that promotes hatred against me or any other group.

If Verizon knocked on my door and offered me the phone of my choice and 5 free years of service I would slam the door in their face.

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I admire your attitude, canaryguy. But Verizon needs to hear from the folks who are not thrilled with their male-denigrating commercial. They especially need to hear from angry Verizon customers. Thanks for taking a stand.

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I admire your attitude, canaryguy. But Verizon needs to hear from the folks who are not thrilled with their male-denigrating commercial. They especially need to hear from angry Verizon customers. Thanks for taking a stand.

Thanks for reminding me! Not only do they need to know from angry customers but they also need to know how they're losing customers due to their man-hating advertising. They lost me as a potential/probably customer just because of their advertising.

I have an idea... If I were to buy a small lot of shares of Verizon (1, 5, 20, 100?) and attend their annual shareholder's meeting... What would be the process of registering a complaint about their advertising and getting it heard? At the very least, running around with a T-shirt that says something like "Verizon's misandrous advertising is losing us money!" would get the message out.

In my case, money that would've been going into Verizon's pocket is going into Cingular's pocket. Because of their advertising, their competition is stronger and they are weaker...

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