Ex-Michigan Band Teacher Admits to Sex

Not only disturbing are the number of male children she raped, but the article states she will change her plea bargain deal if they dare to give her more than seven years for this heinous act. Note that ALL the male rape victims and their parents agreed to the plea deal. Reverse the genders anyone?

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In America, IMO, these kinds of monster women have flocked to the gender feminist movement and gender feminist online blogs in droves. Many of these women are in the domestic violence industry - running it. Thanks to VAWA they now have VAWA to continue their psycho abusive behavior.

When one looks at the cumulative effect of the violence coming from these kinds of cold, calculating monster women, they make the occasional Father who is driven over the edge look like the poor, isolated, persecuted Dad he truly is.

When are these kinds of monstrous, battering women going to be held accountable for the massive abuse and harm they are doing to children, men and families in our society?

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MR asks - "When are these kinds of monstrous, battering women going to be held accountable for the massive abuse and harm they are doing to children, men and families in our society?"

Unfortunately, the answer is -- no time soon. (For a variety of reasons.)

Reason #1 - it takes many years to bring an issue as contentious as female violence into the media spotlight. This is a consequence of -

Reason #2 - our society is still hypnotized by lingering residues of Chivalry and all the associated mythologies of the "fairer sex."

Reason #3 - forty years of radical feminism has constructed an elaborate, and reasonably efficient legal apparatus dedicated to criminalizing masculinity

Reason #4 - men who seek relationships with women are very reluctant to acknowledge the pathological aspects of females,and even less willing to look at their own dependency on women

Reason # 5 - pussy power. It can't be just a myth when you see so many men acting against their own best interests.

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While true it has been talked about over and over again how if the genders were reversed this would be handled very differently, I find it particularly interesting as the original poster deos that this woman seems to be able to dictate her own sentance to the court

From experiences with women I know personally who have had legal troubles, this seems to be the case with all types of cime when a woman is the accused.

If she admits to the crime then she earns the privilage of deciding for herself how she should be punished and simply informs the courts of what she will accept as punishment for her deeds. I have seen this in violent assault cases (where one woman put another in the hospital with a broken jaw and multiple lacerations), D.U.I's, break and enters, and grand theft auto.

Of course this begs the question, if we are to some day treat everyone in trouble with the law equally, should we start allowing males to have the privilages that females now recieve in the legal system or should we start making the females face the often overly severe for the crime consiquences that males currently face?

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In order to start working with all our collective resources towards "when" we first need to decide how.

Do we want men to be treated with the same privillages as women? Do we want men to be given more chances, more access to services, more opertunities to avoid the criminal justice system altogether ect...


Do we want women to carry the responsability for their actions that men currently do? Do we want more women recieving prison sentances, more women getting put to death in the United States, more women on sex offender registries with GPS ankelets instead of pretty little gold ones, and more women living homeless in the streets because taking responsability has cost them everything they had in the world?


Is there some middle ground that would be better?

I really do not know the answer as to which way to go when it comes to advancing equality between the genders in this respect.

I am all for men having the rights that women enjoy - so that men really can be the great fathers that they so desperately long to be - when it comes to their children...

...but I am not sure wether I would rather see men have the legal rights of women in society or wether I would like to see women face to legal responsabilities that men face, or some combination of the two

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