Girls mug man they contacted on MySpace

BBC News reports here that two girls reportedly mugged a guy that they made contact with on the MySpace site.

From the article: "Two teenage girls in the US have been charged with holding up at gunpoint a man they are said to have contacted on social networking website

Yana Galilova and Rafaella Yusupova, 14 and 13, are accused of armed robbery and carrying a concealed weapon. The girls, from Florida, are said to have posed as an 18-year-old to lure men into chatting to them online."

Of course, the article then immediately sets about mentioning a previous incident of a man sexually assaulting a girl he met on MySpace as if to balance out any idea that girls can be evil all on their own.

...BTW This is Tirryb, changed my nick when registering again for the new site.

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About the least important fact in this case is that they found the man on the internet. Yet the article skips over the motives and method of the crime entirely in order to focus solely on the evils of our unregulated internet as if that was the cause of this crime. The article then reminds us that this isn't the first crime which involved the use of the internet, citing a terrifying example of a 14 year old girl who was SEX!!!ually ASSAULT!!!ed over the internet!

[Translation for those who don't speak hyperbole - She saw some dirty words.]

Now that the article has led us by the nose to the conclusion that the internet can be dangerous, (assuming we're dumb enough to not think for ourselves, which for most people is a good assumption), it assures us that we're not alone in our concerns by citing unnamed parents' groups who say this site needs to do more to "protect children", again reminding us it's the internet's fault. As the...

P eople
I n
G overnment

...prepare to regulate and then slowly increase their control to full censorship of the internet, (which remember has nothing to do with the commission of this crime), we should expect to see more and more internet demonizing stories coming out of the news, until any politician that would dare to oppose such censorship makes us question whether or not they are a pedophile. In fact, it's the only reason we've ever seen any of these stories in the news. They didn't do this to the telephone when that came out, (of course it didn't threaten their "freedom of the press only for those who can afford to own one").

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I wonder if these girls saw the 'male bondage and torture' movie "HARD CANDY". That's the movie where a 14 year old girl lures a man to her house (or somewhere) via the Internet, meets with him and subsequently drugs his drink. When the man awakes he is (what else) bound and gagged in a chair and the rest of the movie is nothing else but this girl raping, beating, torturing and humiliating the man.
(isn't that nice and "progressive")

So this incident sounds very similar.
Of course, I don't want to take credit away from American females the notion that they can think up evil, all by themselves. But I was just wondering if they were inspired by that movie, and if so where are the feminists shouting that the entertainment industry promotes violence against males? They are constantly saying it promotes "violence against women". Oh, but this IS the feminists we're talking about, so there fore it's "Different". *rolls eyes*

"Hoka hey!"

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Somehow I can see this guy ending up getting charged with some sex crime (solicitation of a person under 16 or something)anyway because the girls who robbed him at gun point turned out to be under age (It won't matter that they lied about there age as in the eyes of the court any man who is so socially inept that he needs to chat up a girl online is a pervert anyway)....

....The two girls will get a slap on the wrist and most likely not recieve criminal records (you know, can't do anything that would stop these two from legally buying guns to rob guys with when they are old enough)

The poor guy who got lured by these to girls will get slapped on the sex offender registry (a designation that may end up seeing him murdered) in his state and be evicted from his home and probably his whole city (now that he can't live anywhere near places children may congregate as a registered sex offender)

On top of having his name, address, picture, place of employment ect. on the states perverts website he'll never live down the shame of being robbed by little girls that he'll have to hear from his friends and family because no "real man" would ever let two teenaged girls rob him... Oh and the random police searches (that sex ofenders recieve) will be fun to....

That's my prediction of how this will turn out. After all girls are taught from birth that their gender can do no wrong so it's only a matter of time before they end up blaming this whole thing on the victum... and the courts will eat up every word of it

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In America, IMO, these kinds of monster females have flocked to the gender feminist movement and gender feminist online blogs in droves. Many of these monster females are in the domestic violence industry - running it. Thanks to VAWA they now have VAWA to continue their psycho abusive behavior.

When one looks at the cumulative effect of the violence coming from these kinds of cold, calculating monster females, they make the occasional Father who is driven over the edge look like the poor, isolated, persecuted Dad he truly is.

When are these kinds of monstrous, battering females going to be held accountable for the massive abuse and harm they are doing to children, men and families in our society?

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