A New Server, a New Lease on Life...

Mensactivism.org is back now, at least 99% of what I wanted to accomplish this weekend. There are still a couple of minor things I'd like to change, but I felt the rest of you would prefer that the site become available again ASAP.

If you're using Internet Explorer, the menu tabs at the top of the page look horrible, and I do intend to remedy that. There are some minor formatting issues from our old static pages that need some attention as well. But you should now be able to submit new stories and post comments on this story and stories posted after this one (all previous ones are frozen).

Please let us know about any problems that arise when using the new site: admin@mensactivism.org. Thanks for your patience, and we hope it was worth the wait!

Remember, all user accounts must be re-registered now. I was unable to migrate them from the old site due to complex dependencies in the old database.

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Thanks for all your work on this Scott. Looks great. I love the calender and the ability to easily go through the archives. The tabs don't look so bad.

Love the edit function!

I'm sure we will be learning about the new site as we go. Congrats on a successful migration.

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Hey, the new look is a real eye pleaser. Great work Scott.


Wow, and I can even go back and edit something I've entered. Very nice!

You've inspired me to go do some men activism projects I've been procrastinating on.

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I know migrating a site is no cake walk; glad to see you were successful. I like it!

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It looks very good. Thank for the hard work.

Oh yeah, there is an edit function, great.

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Looks great Scott, thanks for keeping this site going. This and mens-links are an invaluable resource for budding MRAs everywhere.

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Thanks, Scott, for all your work. The new site looks good!

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Yikes. I had a little trouble logging in but, now that I'm here...
Cool! I like it.
Thanks, Scott. You don't get nearly enough credit for the work you put in to this "project".

Now we can get back to making fun of feminists and stuff!

"Hoka hey!"

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Wow! This looks cool, Scott! Keep up the good work!


*****masculism is a black male's best friend!!!!!*****

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I think the calendar will be a very good touch when it gets set up. Oops! My bad. The archive calendar IS setup and working! Good job anyway.

Also, it would be a great help to incorporate a spell checker into the comment composing area if possible. I am really getting tired of cutting and pasting between my mail composer in order to use its spell checker and the comments section here.

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I had no problems re-registering, and the new server seems a lot zippier on screen refreshes, posting, etc.

Though I'm wondering if it might be possible to present the "Browse Archives" display as an option of Calendar or Subject Headers?

I usually recall previously posted threads by subject title, rather than date -- especially once they get to be a few days old.

Well, when you implement a site upgrade, you invite an onslaught of "helpful" suggestions for additional features.

After a while you get a Swiss army knife with no can opener but an excellent set of allen wrenches!

How much caffeine did you imbibe Scott, over the holiday week-end?

Nice job.

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Hi Roy,

I'm looking into different ways of categorizing stories, since there are several options, so I hope to return to that soon. In fact, it appears that stories will be able to have multiple categories, which is a big improvement that we can make use of.

And caffiene-wise, it was quite a bit, but that's more or less what I live on daily. That and Guiness. :)


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Congratulations on the new site, and thanks for all your hard work. It's a big improvement.

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Excellent to find the site not only still going but better than ever. I can even post again!


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