Domestic Violence Awareness
One of the most disturbing forms of discrimination against men is the lack of awareness about and services for abused men. Every day, thousands of men are abused by their girlfriends or wives, and have nowhere at all to turn to. Worst of all, if they speak out they are more likely to be laughed at than listened to. We need to change this situation, and we need to change it now.
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the U.S, and in the Documents and Downloads section are two flyers that were created by Mensactivism.org to help raise awareness about the hidden side of domestic violence: battered men. We hope you'll download these flyers and print them out for distribution during October, and any other time of the year you feel it is appropriate.
The flyers are in PDF ("Portable Document Format") format and you will need a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader program to open them, though you very likely already have it installed on your computer.
Also in the Documents and Downloads section, you will find available a document titled "References Examining Assaults By Women On Their Spouses Or Male Partners: An Annotated Bibliography" by Prof. Martin S. Fiebert of California State University. This bibliography will help you with skeptics when you discuss DV against men.