Become A Mensactivism.org Sponsor
Do you want to show your support for Men's Activism and get your organization more exposure on the internet? It doesn't require money. All it requires is to help getting the word out about Mensactivism.org, via a link to our site. Feel free to use our main logo on your site if you'd like.
Site Sponsors are groups who believed in the idea of Mensactivism.org when we first began and promoted us among their members. We are grateful for their support at such a critical time and have posted links to their sites here as well as in the "Special Thanks To..." box that appears on the left hand side of our main index and news article pages.
Individual Sponsors are groups and individuals who have more recently linked to us, and we provide reciprocal links back to them from this page. If you'd like to be added to this list, please e-mail matt@mensactivism.org and let us know the URL of your site.
Site Sponsors include:
The National Coalition of Free Men: The National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM) is a non-profit educational organization that examines the way sex discrimination affects men. It also tries to raise public consciousness about little known but important topics dealing with the male experience.
http://www.ncfm.org/ -
Men's Health America: Men's Health America is dedicated to eliminating the 6-year life span gender gap. We are a non-profit research, education, and advocacy organization located in Rockville, Maryland. We operate a moderated listserv, and have a variety of Fact Sheets available.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/menshealth/ -
Webhealing.com: Webhealing.com offers multiple interactive resources useful in healing from loss. Some of these include the 'Place to Honor Grief', the interactive 'Discussions Page' as well as excerpts from Tom Golden's book 'Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing'.
http://www.webhealing.com/ -
AngryHarry: An intelligent, pro-male editorial and news site often critical of feminist perspectives. Based in the UK, AngryHarry includes a large range of news, views and features of interest to men and women who seek refuge from radical feminist dogma.
http://www.angryharry.com/ -
Domestic Violence Against Men - Colorado: Colorado has been at the forefront of the war against domestic violence for more than two decades. CO is also headquarters for such groups as the NCADV and home to Lenore Walker and others like her. As a result, Colorado has some of the most draconian laws in the country, all of which follow feminist ideology and blame men exclusively for intimate partner violence. Domestic Violence Against Men - Colorado is attempting to fix the problem, not the blame, by instilling balance and restoring sanity to this issue.
http://www.dvmen.org/ -
Secrets of Married Men: Wedded life isn't always easy. Men who stay married have learned techniques to preserve their marriages. Secrets of Married Men is an Internet community for married men to share their experiences and wisdom about marriage. Psychiatrist Scott Haltzman will compile contributions into a book by the same name.
Individual Sponsors include:
John Buethe, founder of Men Against Discrimination (M.A.D. Men United). http://www.madmenunited.org
Erik Pistol, who runs a web site about false accusations and bias in sexual harassment law. http://mensrights.bizhosting.com
InnerCompass.net - a site and resource for men who wish to challenge traditional notions of masculinity and bring positive change into their own lives. http://www.innercompass.net
Lee Newman, Executive Director of Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) International, as well as the NH chapter of SAFE. SAFE is an organization which offers support and services for under-served victims of domestic violence, particularly men. http://www.safe4all.org and http://www.safe-nh.org
Hate Male Post - A weblog which regularly covers gender issues from a pro-male perspective. Because a man is a terrible thing to waste. http://hatemalepost.blogspot.com
MIsForMalevolent - A weblog which regularly covers gender issues from a pro-male perspective. http://misformalevolent.blogspot.com/
Midlife Crisis Male - Insightful commentary on issues facing men midlife including male menopause, midlife crisis and being the strong man a woman wants. Written from a woman's unique perspective. http://www.man-o-pause.com/
Save Indian Family Foundation - an organization based in Bangalore, India addressing issues of discrimination against men. http://www.saveindianfamily.org
The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women - a male-friendly resource for men and women that specializes in offering support and services to male victims of spousal and intimate partner violence. http://www.dahmw.org
Antimisandry.com - strives to be a community-based ground for men and women who are tired of male bashing and wish to speak without fear of political correctness overstepping freedom of thought and speech. The site was born from the observations and experiences of one man who sought to spread the word that discussions of men need not be set in a negative light. http://antimisandry.com
California Men's Centers - We offer information, referral, mediation preparation, individual coaching, support groups, DNA paternity testing, general information, referral services, outreach, education, and advocacy. http://www.californiamenscenters.org/
Illinois Council on Responsible Fatherhood - a state commission established by the Illinois State Legislature to promote the positive involvement of both parents in the lives of their children. http://www.responsiblefatherhood.com/
Men's Divorce Law - aggressively representing husbands and fathers in Florida. http://www.mensdivorcelaw.com/
We Men - A site dedicated to men. http://www.wemen.us
Fathers4Equality (F4E) is an Australian progressive shared parenting group who believe that a child has a natural right to a meaningful relationship with both parents. We provide information and assistance on the current family law act and how to best utilise it in the best interests of your children. We have a blog, a father's rights links directory, and an ezine site on men's issues. http://www.fathers4equality-australia.org
Please contact the Mensactivism.org Admins to become a sponsor of this site.