Female molester fugitive considered "missing"

Return of the King writes "A female youth counselor vanishes after allegations that she was having a relationship with a minor she met at a school where she worked - and the newspaper and police call HER missing and have not brought charges against her. She has been spotted thousands of miles away from her home state with the young male student. Can you imagine what would happen if the genders were reversed? The whole nation would be hearing about it every minute of the day. This woman has received a highly sympathetic handling of her crimes. It is time to dismantle the feminist poisoning of this nation's police. Excerpt:

'At least two witnesses reported seeing 8-year-old Brennan Malone with his mother, Jennifer Malone, and 16-year-old Christopher Cole.

Police Chief Gwen Deurell said Saturday she believes these are two solid leads that place them in the Tampa area late Friday...


Police this week began a nationwide search for Brennan, his mother, 32, and Cole, the teenage boy she is believed to be involved with.'"

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