RADAR Alert: Mark Your Calendar, Hold the Date: June 26!
Monday, June 26, 2006. That's the day that 40 organizations around
the country will launch an unprecedented effort to educate candidates
how the Violence Against Women Act tramples on people's civil rights
and destroys families.
The campaign theme is "Truth and Consequences: 2006 Elections." The
purpose of the campaign is to educate candidates involved in the 2006
elections about the truth of domestic violence, and the consequences of VAWA on families and children.
Click "Read more..." for more.
The 40 participating groups have a broad range of missions,
including promoting children's rights, family stability, shared
parenting, victim advocacy, and media accuracy. These groups have
signed a three-point Resolution Regarding the Violence Against Women
Act: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/VAWA-Resolution.pdf
This is what some of these groups are saying about the campaign:
- "Susan Faludi once wrote, 'Men
have no clearly-defined enemy who is oppressing them.' Well, thanks to
VAWA, now they do." – Richard L. Davis, Family Nonviolence, Inc.
(Massachusetts) - "Our campaign to end the
discrimination by VAWA is a 'circling of the wagons' to defend
traditional American values." – Paul Clements, DADD-NH - "For two decades I have
struggled against the anti-father bias in court. It is a blessing to be a part of this movement." – Mike East, Fathers Asking To Have Equal
Rights (Kentucky) - "A system without redress is tyranny, and those who do nothing about it have abnegated their freedom and acquiesced to slavery." . Terri Lynn Tersak, True Equality Network (North Carolina)
- "You can blow out a flame, but our solidarity is becoming an inferno." – Alan Rusmisel, Alabama Coalition for Fathers and Children
- "Restraining order abuse has skyrocketed since passage of VAWA. TABS stands 100% behind this effort to expose the truth how domestic violence laws have gone too far." – Lisa Scott, TABS: Taking Action against Bias in the System
During the course of the campaign, we will be calling on people around the country to meet with candidates in all 470 national races
(33 in the Senate, 437 in the House of Representatives). We will
request that immediately after the November 7 elections, the
newly-elected official call for Congressional hearings to investigate
VAWA abuse.
The first step of the campaign will be for people to contact the
candidate's Scheduler and request to set up a meeting in August. We
will explain the details in next week's Alert.
For now we encourage people to sign up to receive E-lerts which
will be issued on a weekly basis throughout the Campaign. Go to http://www.mediaradar.org/
and enter your e-mail address in the box in the left-hand column.
Stay tuned!
Date of RADAR Release: June 19, 2006
R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a network of concerned men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner. http://www.mediaradar.org/.
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