"The Weaker Sex"
RandomMan writes "Despite the insulting title - consider what would happen to a male columnist using that phrase to describe women - this piece by a female medical columnist is very refreshing, especially on Father's Day. It's a pleasant departure from the NY Times old habit of running a 'women's health' pull-out section on Fathers Day, as they have in the past.
An astonishing note from the article: the author claims that studying diseases that affect both genders in men only was 'sexist', and she describes the current focus on women first and women only in healthcare as something along the lines of 'atonement', but this is the first time I've heard a female opine that only studying diseases that affect women while neglecting men entirely is 'sexist' as well.
If this continues, men might actually start to matter one day. I'm not holding my breath, but it's refreshing, nonetheless."
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