'Focus on the Family' Diminishes Dads
mens_issues writes "Just in time for Father's Day, Focus on the Family (with James
Dobson) has aired a two-part series about the importance of involved fathers. Unfortunately, the two-part series takes the view that it is fathers who are abdicating their responsibility to their families, while mothers are taken for granted."
Click "Read more..." for more."The speaker was Josh McDowell, who is the author of 'More than a
Carpenter' which is a book that I read that made a compelling case
for Christianity. This makes writing this all the more difficult, as
I had respected McDowell, except for what I heard here.
While I agree about the importance of involved fathers, it appears
that McDowell may not realize the extent to which fathers are pushed
away from their families by separation and divorce, most often
initiated by their wives. Or the extent to which fathers are unable
to spend as much time with their children as they would like as they
spend a lot of time at work supporting their families financially
while the the mother is able to stay home with the children.
Finally, to make matters worse, at one point James Dobson said "The
biggest problem in this country is renegade males - men not doing
their jobs."
If you want to send a comment to Focus on the Family, try this link (please try to be polite, infuriating as this is).
The homepage for Focus on the Family is http://www.family.org/"
Ed. note: This submission posted without review or assessment of the content to which the submitter is referring. Therefore, before taking action to contact the author of the content, I suggest you listen to it yourself before making any judgments.
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