Anti-Husband Cadillac SUV Commercial

mens_issues writes "I was watching the news this afternoon, when a commercial for the Cadillac SRX Crossover came on. It showed a few women returning from a vacation together. One of them commented on how nice it was to have a vacation with 'No stress,' and then all of them said 'No husband!' in unison. As they got out of their SUV in an upper middle class residential neighborhood, one of them then said 'Back to reality!'"

Click "Read more..." for more."The last comment was an obvious reference to the husbands whose very existence must cause them such unbearable stress. Oh, those poor oppressed women who had to get away from their husbands in a $37,000 SUV for a vacation. (I wonder who paid for it.)

Here is a link to the homepage of this overpriced gas guzzler.

There is a 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of the page.

Yeah, I know that not all of us regularly buy $37,000 SUVs, but they need to hear from us anyway.


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