Where is Masculinity Headed?

Dave in CA writes "Where are men (our behaviors, beliefs, etc.) headed? Read this recent article and decide for yourself. Excerpt:

'We are now witnessing the corruption of the masculine ideal into absolute violence and amorality. This phenomenon has developed over time, as manhood and the role of men in the home and in the society have been undermined by social, legal, economic, and ideological forces.

'We now know that boys are doing more poorly in school than girls and that young women now outnumber young men on college campuses. The vast majority of violent crimes are committed by young men, and young males drive the statistics in virtually every form of antisocial behavior. The absence of strong male role models for boys and young men to respect and emulate — especially fathers — is surely the largest contributing factor to the rise in the social pathologies and antisocial behaviors.'"

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