Father's Day Activism 2006 Begins

MR writes "At the crack of dawn, before the sun even peeked over the horizon, NCFMLA activists took it to the streets of Los Angeles for Day 1 of "Father’s Day" week, 2006, protests. Big Truck Sign

Yes, boys and girls in the land of stretch Hummers and tropical plants it's difficult to be noticed amidst all the glitter and glamour, but a humble attempt is still worth the effort if one Dad can be encouraged, or one misandrist judge's mind enlightened. Some say it will be a cold day in L.A. (it very rarely freezes in L.A.) before Dads ever see justice in family courts, but I say all the more reason to publicly call attention to their plight in prominent protest(s). Let the Father's Day protests 2006 begin, and may the plight of Dads truly become a front burner issue this Father's Day. "Happy Father's Day week," to one and all. Stay tuned for Day 2..."

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