Fox propagates human trafficking distortions

Anonymous User writes "Lis Wiehl is cranking these out rather quickly. The last article she did had only one indirect reference through a feminist page that featured the SCUM manifesto. These articles are beginning to smell like a number of the issues C. H. Sommers destroyed. Unfortunately, it may be, that truth is just getting its boots on in the time it takes a lie to travel around the world."

Click "Read more..." for more."I note several red flags. She says:

"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) says human trafficking is the third largest criminal industry in the world, right behind drugs and gun smuggling. Sex traffickers lure hundreds of thousands of desperate girls from overseas with the promise of a new life, only to enslave them once they've arrived."

Notice the sleight of hand here. HUMAN trafficking is the third largest criminal industry, but in the next sentence it becomes 'Sex traffickers'. I suspect there's a big difference.

I suspect that what is happening on our southern border right now is classified as human trafficking. If this is, indeed, what is being referred to in this article, blaming U.S. citizens as a general class, and in particular men, for these problems would be one of the lowest feminist tricks yet.

Does anyone have any data on this? She certainly doesn't reference any, apart from several bills. (We know what happened with VAWA.)"

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