Reader's Digest Prints Anti-male Story
mens_issues writes "The Reader's Digest printed a demeaning and insulting anti-male
story in its "Life in These United States.""
Click "Read more..." for more."'I helped a lost little girl by taking her to the store's service
counter, and having them page her mother. I saw this as a chance to
teach my 12-year old daughter, Kylie, a safety lesson.
"That girl did the right thing," I said. "Do you know why? Because
she asked a woman for help, NOT A MAN."
Kylie looked at me mystified. "Why on earth would I ask a man for
help if I was already lost?"
Submitted by STEPHANIE TAIT, Olathe, Colo. to Readers Digest.'
This is in the June 2006 issue on p. 197 at the bottom.
Let these jerks know what you think of their nasty little story, and the formerly decent magazine that became politically correct several years ago. Their link is here.
[Thanks to K9 at Stand Your Ground for bringing this to my attention."
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