Burgeoning Prison Population...Mostly Males
Luek writes "America's mania for locking up a sizable chunk of its population has never been more popular according to this article. Now 1 out of every 136 US residents are behind bars and they are mostly men. We can also surmise that an equally large number are on probation or parole so the ratio of 1 in 136 is understating the crisis.
The article focuses on drugs and sentencing guidelines as the reasons for the increase. However, nothing is said about false rape accusations, trumped up domestic violence charges, barbaric child support enforcement policies or other feminist political agenda driven laws causing the increase in the male prison population."
Ed. note: Yes, and notice who they pick for a picture of an inmate for the article: a woman. On the heels of this piece of news, look for a push to get women released from prison into "alternative sentencing" programs all across the country while the men languish behind bars.
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