Duke Update: Defense Witness Arrested
Anonymous User writes "Nifong must be getting desperate. The Durham police have arrested the taxi driver, Moezeldin Elmostafa, who placed Seligmann away from the crime scene the night of the alleged rape, on a 2 1/2-year-old misdemeanor warrant. Ernest Conner, a lawyer representing Seligmann, asserts that this is nothing more than an attempt to intimidate and pressure a witness who presents a rock solid alibi for the defendant.
Especially damning in this article is the following quote: "Conner said it was highly unusual for police to arrest someone for a misdemeanor more than two years after the crime. He contrasted the treatment of the taxi driver with that of Kim Roberts, the other dancer at the party. Conner said Roberts initially told police no rape occurred at the party but changed her story after she was arrested on a probation violation. District Attorney Mike Nifong later reduced Roberts' bail". Apparently, the DA in this case will stop at nothing in order to get a conviction, regardless of the facts."
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