Indian Boy Nearly Run to Death for Entertainment
Hard to believe it, but can the gender blinders be so incredibly thick that people couldn't see what was wrong with this until a child welfare group pointed it out to them? Excerpt:
On May 3, Budhia was woken up at 3:15 a.m. and started running at 4:07 a.m. to avoid the worst of the heat as he made his way from the temple town of Puri to Bhubaneswar, the capital of the eastern state of Orissa.
He ran for 7 hours 2 minutes, braving a peak temperature of 36.7 degrees Celsius, or 98 degrees Fahrenheit, but collapsed from exhaustion 5 kilometers before reaching his goal of 70 kilometers.
As soon as he had recovered sufficiently to face the cameras, he was met by the Orissa sports minister and a contingent of dignitaries from the local police brigade, which had sponsored the event.
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