Follow-up to Twyana Davis Story

MANN Admins received the following from the author of the MANN submission found here.

"I recently submitted a story to the site about Twyana Davis.

This is a woman who recently confessed to raping her 12 yr old male cousin some 10 yrs ago. The rape resulted in a pregnancy, she then hid the pregnancy, threw the baby out, lied and said the child was the result of her being raped, and recieved leniency from the court, getting no jail time and eventually regaining custody of her child. She then wrote a book about her tragedy, continuing her lie about the rape and was featured on 20/20 and Oprah."

Click "Read more..." for more."The 12 yr old, now 23, is in prison for rape. Had it not been for her rape of this child and her lies this man may not be where he is, may have gotten help, and his victim would not have had to suffer the rape she did. She has ruined at least 2 lives.

I am sure the story will be posted, I write to request something be added to it. I have contacted Oprah's site administrators with a request she make known to her audience the truth about this woman. She had James Frey, author of "A Million Little Pieces" back on her show for lying about his own experiences with drug abuse. Surely this warrants the same, or at least some mention since this woman is likely not available since she is up on rape charges. In fact Ms. Davis's story is still on Oprah's website. 20/20 should do the same thing, making the truth known, they ran the story which was false, they should correct it, let it be known this woman deserves no sympathy and is a rapist.

I want it added to the post that people should contact Oprah and 20/20 and ask that the truth be told. This woman profited from her lies, from rape, from false allegations. She recieved sympathy from America and leniency from the courts and it is not right. She deserves the max for her crime, although I doubt she will recieve it. Perhaps more publicity will mean more jail time."

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:

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