Newsweek, Parker on the Duke Story
Just won't seem to go away, this story. It has some of everything people love to gawk at and get worked up about.
The behavior of pretty much everyone in this case is reprehensible, all for different and varying reasons. The only question though anyone should be asking is, "Did a rape take place and if so, who did it?" Instead, money, politics (race and otherwise), class struggle and simple rudeness vs. comity all come together to form a great big massive stew of gunk. And is the actual, germane question in the matter really being asked? Will that be what goes on trial?
Relatedly, look at this from Kathleen Parker. Ms. Parker is usually a voice of reason in a lot of instances but IMO in this case she succomed to the urge to think inside the box. Note that she seems to think the LAX players are guilty, presumes them to be guilty, and doesn't seem to even allow for the chance that while they are not the sort of fellows you want in polite company, they may, just may, be innocent of the crime for which they stand accused (contrast the tone she has now with the tone she had on this same topic just recently; I wonder what prompted the changed?). Alas, as men, they will continue to be presumed guilty even if they are proven innocent. She also seems to utterly ignore the fact that strippers come in both sexes and are watched by both sexes-- just Google "chippendales" or look under "adult entertainment" in the Yellow Pages for all the proof you need.
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