Feminist Falsehoods about Boys' Education Crisis

QuickNick writes "The recent racist, misandristic op-ed in the Washington Post, "The Myth of the Boy Crisis," deserved to be condemned as the usual moral and intellectual rot on display in the mainstream media today. But just in case you have any doubt, the main point of the article is false. White women in 2001 received 31% more bachelor degrees than men (56% of all degrees). Including bachelor and associate degrees, white women received 35% more degrees than men. These statistics are from p. 9, Tables 1-A and 1-B of this report (.pdf file). Did you really expect the truth from a feminist journalism professor and a senior scientist at the Women's Studies Research Center at Brandeis University? The important point is that men's social justice activists should stand up for ALL MEN. Women receive 39% more college degrees than do ALL MEN. Don't let feminists pretend that black men aren't men."

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