Originated by Lee Newman, Exec. Dir. of SAFE-NH:

VAWA violates people's civil rights, undermines families, and causes fatherlessness. Please make these calls by noon Wednesday, in time for the VAWA hearings which will start Wednesday (April 5, 2006) at 2PM.

Click "Read more..." for what to do.
Please telephone Senator Gregg's office at 202-224-3324 and ask him to raise the two questions below at the Dept. of Justice hearings; also call Senator Murray's office at 202-224-2621 and ask her to do the same. The questions are:

1. How does the Department of Justice plan to protect the civil rights of innocent Americans falsely accused of domestic violence?

2. How does the Department of Justice propose to monitor compliance with Section 40002(b)(8) of VAWA 2005, whose purpose is to prohibit discrimination against male victims?

Please take a few minutes today or tomorrow morning and call the Senators... You may call after hours and leave a voicemail if that is more convenient for you.

The first question is on behalf of men AND women because EVERYONE's at risk of being falsely accused and suffering the results.
The second question is important on behalf of your loved ones of all ages who happen to be male...Do you love them less than the females in your life? Of course not...but they are not equally protected under this law!

PLEASE take a little time today to make a big difference and possibly save the life of someone you love!

Thank you as usual for "Making a Difference" and "Taking a Stand Against Violence" with SAFE-NH.

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