Weirdest False Rape Conviction Story Yet

Anonymous User writes "This article is about a man who has served 5 years in prison for sodomizing his daughter. He was convicted on the state's expert witnesses testimony that his daughter was suffering from repressed memory syndrome. This expect witness the state relied so heavily on for conviction got her doctorate degree from an unaccredited online internet university! Additionally, the judge who threw out his conviction noted he was poorly represented by his defense counsel.

Also, the daughter who was supposed to have been sodomized was killed by a pregnant woman when the daughter tried to cut out her baby and claim it for her own.

However, the man still remains in jail. The state may ask for a retrial for some stupid reason. Society doesn't have money to pay for proper veteran's medical care and other worthwhile causes but we have tons of money to keep innocent men in prison on bogus sex assault charges."

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