"Ice is like a man's ego. Fun to crush."
Natalia writes "Not quite sure what topic this would go under, but it was for Standyourground.com. A few months ago I was glancing through a Vanity Fair that my mother had bought and an advertisement for Rolex had caught my eye, or rather, the slogan had. "Ice is like a man's ego. Fun to crush." I wasn't particularly offended, but I believed that it was a horrible message to be sending to women. I have not been able to locate a contact for them to comment on it directly and I'm not sure if anyone has yet even if the advertisement is old, it is out of turn.
Thank you for your time."
Ed. note: Reverse the sexes in the ad and see how it would go over. It seems magazines like Vanity Fair and other "women's magazines" will go places in topics, writing, and advertising that "men's magazines" would not dare to tread.
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