New Study By US Justice Dept. On Campus Rape

David Byron writes "New Jersey Online reports a new study by the Justice Department's National Institute of Justice in this article. As usual from the 'injustice' department, the study is biased towards women - nothing new there - however despite the best gloss that they could put on the result, the study blasts away most feminist claims about college rape. The original report can be found here in text format." Click "Read More" below to see some more important comments that David has about the study and some points about ways to interpret it.

Feminists have long used Mary Koss' figures that 25% of college women are raped each year. Although the headline of this article says the figure is really 1.7%, reading further we see there were two protocols used, and the less favoured result said only 0.16% or one woman in 600 was raped.

Why the big difference? One protocol from the same report gives a figure more than ten times the other. This is a very important point to grasp if you are using statistics on rape and domestic violence. As the article says, "Highlighting the effect of definitions and survey techniques, the researchers identified their first telephone poll as a survey of 'unwanted sexual experiences' and their second poll as a survey of crime victims". Its been known for a while now that "crime" surveys give lower results because people are often reluctant to identify events as crimes.

This is big news for men's advocates. Why? Because men are far more reluctant to report an event if it is framed as a "crime" than women are. Both sexes report less in crime surveys but the effect is especially noticeable on men. In particular all the surveys feminists use to suggest there is a large difference in victimization rates on domestic violence are crime surveys.

Source: New Jersey Online (web news site -

Title: Justice study: 1.7 percent of college women raped, 13 percent stalked

Author: Michael J. Sniffen (Associated Press)

Date: January 26, 2001

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