'Tis the Season: The Vagina Monologues Re-emerges

Like a crop of mushrooms or crabgrass on the front lawn of academe, The Vagina Monologues is popping up all over to celebrate the springtime season of romance and endless victimhood and oppression. One such example: U of Rochester, Rochester, NY. There are dozens of other such examples of this piece of joy erupting on US and Canadian college campuses, as discussed in this MANN post.

Since the Vagina Monologues seems to be like Cerebrus, multi-headed guardian-hound of Hell, simultaneous attacks on the heads of the beast are probably a good strategy.

Homework for the month of March: check your local institution of "higher learning" and see if the beast is rearing one of its ugly heads there. If so, make your opinion about it heard to the producers, trustees, president, whoever. If enough people openly challenge the beast, it will lose potency and may one day retreat back to the firey depths from which it emerged.

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Mensactivism.org. Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:


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