Dishonored Colonel Spreads False Alarms about Rape of Female Troops in Army
Clancy writes "This is from a military BLOG called "The Mudville Gazette". I found it a good read. It's a story that I have not heard about. Perhaps some of you guys have. Unfortunately, it is unabashedly tiltted to the right which will likely offend many members of this group. Nevertheless, it puts the spotlight on victim feminism in action within our military."
Click "Read more..." for excerpt.Excerpt:
Death Before Dishonor
The latest Iraq war urban legend:
Several female service members have died of dehydration because they refused to drink liquids late in the day due to fear of being raped by male soldiers if they had to use the women's latrine after dark.
This is absurd for countless reasons - the most obvious being that death by dehydration takes a little longer than a couple hours without fluids, even in the hottest conditions.
But this fabrication has an interesting source: Col. Janis Karpinski, former commander of the unit responsible for torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib. And she's found a sympathetic forum in which to tell the story: The "Commission of Inquiry for Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration" - a mock trial sponsored by "Not in Our Name", a group originally founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party to protest the US-led war in Afghanistan."
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