Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" Ignores Boys
This made it to the legendary spate of Superbowl advertisements yesterday during Superbowl XL. While most of the advertising, if not all of it, was otherwise touting consumer products such as beer, cars, and skin care lotion (with the usual dose of men getting beat on, made out to look like fools or whatever, etc.), the makers of Dove cleansers managed to tout their latest save-the-girls P/R campaign and to solicit donations for it. [I read that Superbowl ad time this year was $33,000/second - it strikes me they could have used that money instead for their own cause rather than using it to try to get TV viewers to fork over the cash!]
Click "Read more..." for more.In any case, it's P/R campaigns such as these that lead people to believe that only girls have problems like those described. Regulars to MANN already know the statistics on boyhood suicide, drop-out, and alcohol and drug abuse rates, to name a few problem areas boys have these days. What do the makers of Dove suppose such behavior stems from, an overage of self-esteem?
If you agree, please send Dove a note from this page, or call them if you prefer at their given 1-800 number, asking them to stop discriminating against boys, particularly as they show far more in the way of signs of low self-esteem in general than do girls, and instead change their campaign such that it supports all children's healthy growth in self-esteem... or do they think such lofty goals as "inclusivity" only apply to girls?
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