Marriage in U.K. Soon to Mean Lifetime Wage Extortion
Roy writes "This piece linked from Angry Harry's web site covers a critically important court case in Britain that will determine whether a divorcing man will be obligated to provide a percentage of his future (post-divorce) earnings to his ex-wife. He already must give her 50% of everything acquired during the marriage. Excerpt:
'This will be argued on the grounds that his money-making potential should be treated as an income-yielding asset that Kenneth could not have built up without the contribution of Julia in building the home and looking after the children. Kenneth McFarlane is senior tax partner at the accountants Deloitte, earning more than £750,000 a year, and his marriage to Julia lasted more than 16 years. She gave up her career as a solicitor with a City firm to look after their children.
James Pirrie, a solicitor with Family Law in Partnership, who is acting for Julia McFarlane, said: "The fruits of the partnership should be shared equally. One of the things created by a marriage is an earning capacity.'"
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