Shocking Video of Woman Abusing Boy
Sumanth writes "Blogged:
Women who abuse male kids create probable criminals of future.
Male kids who are tortured by women (mothers, aunts, sisters, maid servants) in their infancy, grow up with sub-conscious post traumatic stress, which makes them violent towards women (if they get cornered by women)."
Click "Read more..." for more."Every year, millions of male kids are brutally abused or killed by women all over the world.
Please see this shocking video, in which a maid servant is brutally abusing a male kid:
(Viewers are advised to exercise discretion, as this video can be quite disturbing)
Do feminists have any answers for this kind of violence by women? What do those bloggers and so called progressivists, who suck up to the feminazis, have to say about this proof of female violence on an infant, who can hardly explain this torture to anyone?"
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