CBS/Tom Selleck promote more sexual violence vs. men

SJones writes "Sunday night, January 15, CBS ran a Tom Selleck movie, Jesse Stone: Night Passage in which the so-called hero, Sheriff Jesse Stone, goes to his very first call as sheriff to a domestic dispute. At the house he finds Stephen Baldwin playing the lesbian-feminst stereotype of a divorced man. Baldwin says obnoxious things, but has no weapons and does not make any threatening motions towards anyone. Tom Selleck then kicks Baldwin in the groin."

Click "Read more..." for more."They focused on Stephen Baldwin's suffering, dragging it out for as long as possible as if the audience will of course enjoy it and thus it needs to be given as much attention as possible. Tom Selleck then leaves. The story clearly intends for him to seem heroic for having sexually assaulted a divorced man who was standing in his own living room, but to anyone who considers sexual assault of a man, especially by a police officer who has absolutely no justification for it, to be a hate crime this scene was in itself a crime.

Variety Online said in their review of this sexist misandric scene, "The prequel also affords Stone a chance to begin breaking in his staff, which must grow accustomed to his little eccentricities, from bringing his dog to the office to settling a domestic dispute call by giving the pugnacious husband (Stephen Baldwin, with maybe the worst hairdo ever) a swift kick where it will do the most good.". Clearly, Variety thinks sexual abuse of men is a good thing, too, and apparently wants to see our police using and abusing it as often as possible, which is what in fact will occur as our society increasingly accepts, encourages, and even celebrates this gender-specific hate-crime against males.

Write to CBS and complain about their sexism and celebration of sexual abuse. Write to Tom Selleck, if you can find an address, and tell him how you feel about him producing and staring in this misandric hate-film. And write to Variety and tell them what a bunch of sexist pigs they are for celebrating sexual assault of an unarmed non-violent man by a police officer. Don't let this keep happening without complaining every single time. It's getting much, much worse with each passing year that the mens' movement does virtually nothing about it."

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