'Off the Chain' Update

Ron writes "There is a very sick and disturbing film on its way out under the title 'Off the Chain'.

The film is full of male-bashing jokes, critism and even has a scene
about male castration.

Click here to see a trailer for the movie.

If men were to make a movie about female bashing and cutting off tatters, there would be mobs taking over the set stopping the scenes from being shot!

I am asking everyone to begin a boycott of this film immediately"

Ed. note: Seeing the trailer is easier if you download the .mov file itself to your PC and run it from there using the Apple Quicktime Player or some other video player that can handle .mov files.

To download the file, right-click on this link and choose "Save Link As..." and save the file. This movie was reported in Dec. 2005 here on MANN at this entry but there was no trailer available at the time.

Of likely interest also is the response to MRAs' complaints about the movie that the producers of this film currently have on their home page, here. Apparently, they do not much care about the opinions of MRAs regarding the topic of DV against men.

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Mensactivism.org. Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:


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