Virginia Men Cleared of Rape with DNA Testing
If you haven't seem the Innocence Project web site yet, please take a look. The number of men who have been railroaded into jail on flimsy evidence for the crime of rape is truly heartbreaking, and DNA testing that exonerates them is showing "The System's" routinized knee-jerk anti-male bigotry for what it is. Most recent news of DNA testing-based exonerations is here. Excerpt:
He wasn't always that resolute. He remembers saying over and over to himself the night he was convicted: "I am innocent. I am not a rapist." It was a refrain he would repeat in the coming years in handwritten letters to judges and lawyers and advocates for those wrongly imprisoned.
Thurman said he trusted the criminal justice system; he said he believed it wouldn't fail him. But in the end, it did, he said, and his only choice was to carry out his sentence in silence.
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