"Cheaper by the Dozen" Another Cliche Dumb-Daddy Movie

CJ writes "Finally, a movie columnist (one from the Globe too!) stands up for men/fathers:

"I have to say Tom Baker is one idiot patriarch too many. We're saddled with the cliche dumb daddy in ads, TV sitcoms, comic strips, but a neutered (numerous crotch injuries) Steve Martin is the last straw. I therefore announce the founding of a new anti-defamation organization, Fathers United against Dopey Dads -- or F.U.D.D. -- and call for volunteers and greater media awareness of this slanderous stereotype. A dad is a terrible thing to waste A dad is a terrible thing to waste, and 'Cheaper by the Dozen 2' is one vast, cheery wasteland."

Let's offer support to the writer of this article."

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