MANN Reader Likens Misandry to Racism
By George Rolph
If I said, "I hate black people!" How would you react?
Stop and think very carefully about that sentence. Does it make any sense to you at all? Can it ever be justified? Can it ever be anything other than just a sign of my own mental illness?
Is there a single instance, circumstance or situation in anyone's life, in which it is possible to lump together a whole race of people and say, "I hate them all." What if I was witness to the gang rape and murder of my wife, children and mother by a whole village full of black men? Would that be enough reason to hate the whole race?
Click "Read more..." for the rest.
By George Rolph
Continued from main entry...
Should I also hate the black guy who dived into the river and saved my neighbor's son? How about the black woman who donated her heart to my sick father and gave him life? Perhaps I should include the black fireman who carried my friend from the burning house, or the black nurse who thought quickly and saved my own life when I was choking to death in a restaurant one night? They are part of the black race, should I hate them for what the sickos in the village did?
Assuming that the person reading this is sane, the answer has to be a resounding, "NO!"
All of the sane people reading this know, just as I know, how stupid, sick and twisted racism really is. Yet many of the people reading this are also racist.
In reality, there are only two races on earth: male and female. The rest are just males or females with differing degrees of sunburn. Just as with men and women, there are cultural differences between races and these may, at times, produce tensions, but I want to ignore those differences for the purposes of this article and focus instead on the race issue in its own right. In order to do that, and to address an issue that is too often ignored in this context, I am going to ask a fundamental question of women (and some men) in general. That question is a very simple one:
Do you realise how many of your gender are filled to the brim with sick, disgusting, twisted and crazy race hate?
If I said, "I hate men!", how would you react?
Stop and think very carefully about that question. Does it make any sense to you at all? Can it ever be justified? Can it ever be anything other than just a sign of my own mental illness?
When most of us think about racists we think of extreme right wing groups, but not all racists give the appearance of Nazis. There are left wing racists too and when it comes to hating men, most of the perpetrators are left wingers. Yet these poor, deluded and sick people, are as infected with Nazism as any Jew- or black-hating fascist.
The problem with hypocrisy is we often do not realise we are hypocrites and we often do not want to know that we are. It's easier to kill the cause of our discomfort and justify that killing, than it is to admit it is us that need the help, not them. Therefore, it is easy to be Oh-so-PC about the kind of racism that we understand (white versus black or vice versa) but difficult to understand that we are soaked in the same racism we condemn in others. Because of this, we can all observe the left wing, radical feminists -- whether male or female -- sitting in the TV studio and decrying the latest racist attack by "right wing thugs" while being sublimely stupid to their own racism when, seconds later, they call all men "pigs" or, "stupid" or, "rapists" or, "wife beaters" or.., ad infinitum. These foolish and damaged people crop up in the press with depressing regularity also. In fact, so prevalent are they, that it is possible to find them anywhere. From the classroom to the boardroom. From the social worker to the doctor. From the plumber to the politician.
Authors, publishers, TV and film actresses and actors, sportsmen and -women, journalists, TV presenters and on and on. All soaked in hate for the male gender and all being encouraged in that hate by a political group making lots of money and pursuing political power on the back of it.
Just as it is insane for the traditional racist to say, "I hate blacks and it is their fault I hate them," so it is insane for radical feminists, and those who support them, to say, "I hate men and it's their fault I hate them."
Hate breeds hate. If you do not believe that, try walking up to a stranger in your local bar and insulting them. 90% of the people you do that too will call you on it. Yet, men have been astonishingly patient for four and a half decades during which they, as a race, have endured a staggering degree of insult.
For forty five years, radical feminists have been branding all men as -- well, you can add any insult you like at the end of that sentence. Many of these racist men and women are doing it unconsciously. They have no idea of the depth their racial hatred for men has reached or, just how sick they have become because of it. Yet most of them would react in horror at the opening sentence of this article. Oblivious to their colossal hypocrisy.
Of course, this is the poison that infects those who advocate gender politics in our society. Those who pour this racist poison into the hearts and minds of our daughters and our sons, do so in the knowledge that most people do not think about man-hating as racism at all. Because of this, they have a social cover for their activities and can even make those activities sound reasonable and logical. Lift the cover, as this article is attempting to do, and what you find is the same thing you find when you lift a stone. It's a dark world inhabited by dangerous creatures.
A serpent can be a beautiful animal to look at but its bite can kill you nevertheless. Don't be fooled by good looks! What lurks inside these racists can destroy the lives of everyone they come into contact with.
Perhaps it is time that the hunted became the hunters? Perhaps it is time we all spent some energy lifting up the social rocks these vermin hide under and exposing the occupants to the light? How to do just that will be the topic of my next article. In the meantime, you could do worse than start your education here:
and then contrast the racist views expressed by Anna Ford, Sarah Montague and Joan Bakewell (All female broadcasters in Britain) with the more reasonable and considered approach taken by the non-racist, (unatrributed) at this link:
Finally, take a look at this link to see the reactions of some men to the attacks made against feminist dissenters:
George Rolph
December 2005
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