Female Murderer/Rapist Released After Twelve Years in Jail
A willing accomplice and participant, she is released after 12 years in prison while her husband rightly stays behind bars. Had she been a he, she would still be there as well.
Months after prosecutors made the plea bargain, however, Bernardo's attorneys handed over homemade videotapes by the couple that indicated Homolka was a willing participant, drawing the ire of Canadians.
When she was released in July, a Superior Court judge in Montreal imposed several restrictions, which her lawyers argued violated the plea bargain agreement.
"The possibility that Ms. (Homolka) might reoffend one day cannot be completely eliminated," Brunton wrote. "However, her development over the last 12 years demonstrates, on a balance of probabilities, that this is unlikely to occur. She does not represent a real and imminent danger."
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