Albany Teacher Gets Little More Than Time Served for Statutory Rape

As a follow-up to this story, the perp is not only given little more than time served (she'll be out of jail by Christmas) but also, the judge in his sentencing said she was really the victim.


"The 16-year-old in this case is a victim in the statutory sense only," Albany County Judge Stephen Herrick told Sandra Beth Geisel. "He was certainly not victimized by you in any other sense of the word."

      Geisel pleaded guilty to one count of third-degree rape on Sept. 27 after admitting to having had sex with the boy in May. She was sentenced to six months in jail but is scheduled for release in several weeks, counting time already served. Though she also admitted to having sex with two 17-year-old students, no charges were filed in those incidents because the boys were of legal age.

[Judge] Herrick, in handing down his sentence, said the students "manipulated, used and sexually abused" Geisel.

This story was covered on Inside Edition (a TV news program) on 11/29/2005 (and is covered on their web site too, so have a look). In their report tonight, they mentioned that after the boy stopped seeing her the teacher started having sex with several other students, including three (i.e, all of them together) in the school's stadium.

Folks, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

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