Corporal Punishment

David Hill writes "I was just wanting to let this men’s group know about the horrible corporal punishment that men are subjected to everyday around the world. Remember Singapore this horrible torturous humiliating practice is done only to men. It can not be done to a women for any reason even if she breaks the same law. Check out World Corporal Punishment Research, there are literally thousands of countries that practice caning and it is done to only one sex ours. Women can not have it happen to them even when they break the same law. It is a horrible humiliating practice they do it across the buttocks just like in school its only us that gets spanked. This is a very serious issue that should be addressed if women have a higher pain tolerance than men why is this horrible punishment done only to men? In Singapore in particular women are on equal footing as men but still this horrible practice is only for us as it also is. If women and men are equal then why is this horrible practice only reserved for one sex?"

Ed. note: It's not true to say only males are caned or spanked in official and non-official forms of punishment. It is true however to say the vast majority of people abused this way are men and boys and the public's stomach for it is much larger when it is males at the end of the cane. Same goes of course for all manner of punishment, including the death penalty.

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