Men's Anger May Mask Anguish

locksley2k writes "An interesting and breakthrough article in today’s Newsday, originating from the LA Times, deals with male depression as an often misdiagnosed distinct and unique gender based mental disorder caused by men feeling emasculated and vulnerable manifesting itself by aggression and recklessness amongst other symptoms. It’s the inverse of what therapists have traditionally considered the signs of depression or as the article calls it “melancholy on steroids.”

The greatest significance of all this is mental health professionals are trying to legitimize “male-based depression” as a new mental health category in the same way they have Battered Wife Syndrome and Post-Partum Depression. If they are successful, MBD can be used as a legal defense in domestic abuse or other battery crimes. A good lawyer can logically argue his aggressive behavior was therefore caused by the victim as has been successfully done with the BWS defense. Therapy will replace jail time. This is not a good thing; it can cause a lot of harm unless it forces the mental health and judicial communities to have ALL people made to be responsible for their own actions regardless of their Battered Wife Syndrome, Post-Partum Depression or Male-Base Depression."

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