Paternity Fraud: It's Done by Oppressed Women!

That's rights, folks, you heard it here first. Paternity fraud is committed because of (among other things) "The threat of sexual violence or shaming..." I swear, this confused piece of crackpot sociology might outdo even the best of my Sweetie Pie, Moaning Dud. Ooops, I mean Maureen Dowd.

If you can stomach more of my take on this, click "Read More."A few excerpts and comments:

"The voices of children and women are rarely heard. Indeed, even in the wake of her victory in the Victorian Supreme Court, Meredith Magill refused to grant interviews to any of the assembled reporters."

I can't tell you how awful I fell for the poor women (and children?) whose voices aren't heard because, after their victories in the Supreme Court, they refuse to grant interviews to the assembled reporters.

"Both of these women, as well as others to whom Turney spoke, had dismissed the reproductive potential of these one-off encounters because they wanted to believe that their chosen or permanent partner - the one with whom they were having regular (as opposed to irregular -- my comment) unprotected sex - was the genetic father."

Well, the women did want their regular partners, as opposed to their hot humps, to be the genetic father. In case you didn't know, that makes the women victims.

"In Turney's sample, several women admitted uncertainty about the genetic father of their child."

Why, that's awful. I wonder why they were uncertain. Gonna have to think about that one.

Here's one of my favorites: "Abortion was considered by several women unsure who caused their pregnancy." Note the "who caused their pregnancy." As we all know, it's men who cause pregnancy. Women are, well, victims of pregnancy.

Hell, you can read the article, but I can't resist one more priceless insight: "From the wife-swapping husband to the abortion-opposing partner to the spouse who knew his wife had conceived during a short break in their relationship yet chose to sign the birth registration papers and act in the role of the child's father, Turney exposes a range of scenarios in which fraud poorly describes what the men involved describe as the problem they face, if indeed they define their situation as problematic at all."

It strikes me that, perhaps, these people (feminists) are, to borrow an expression from the psychology profession, clinically batshit.

Any young man, who isn't considering a wife-free life without financial responsibility (under penalty of imprisonment) for some woman's children, might seek out advice. In any case, I'm gonna find me a wonderful woman, one who's committed paternity fraud, and buy her a nice fruit basket.

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