How Men's Lives would be Affected if Roe v Wade were Overturned
unrulypassenger writes "I haven't seen much here on the subject of the U.S. Supreme Court nominee and how the possiblitiy of Roe v Wade (abortion rights) being overturned would negatively impact the lives of all American males. Perhaps it's because this is primarily a Canadian forum, I'm not sure if I'm right on that. I suppose it would be an economic advantage to Canada and the other countries where abortions are obtainable. But American males' lives would be thrown back into the 20th Century/1950's backseat Chevy era and shotgun wedding times of yore ...not to mention the consequences of changes in child support laws, collection of social security numbers and all that has changed since the Pill and abortion rights. Men would be impacted far more than women and it looks as if that hasn't yet become apparent to many. There's not much we can do other than writing our Senators and keeping it zipped until we die. Article here."
Ed. note: MANN is owned and moderated largely (if not entirely) by American men. However it is meant to be a pan-national information/activism site and accepts submissions from anywhere in the world about topics relevant to men's issues regardless of where they come up, as misandry is, unfortunately, a global phenomenon.
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