RADAR Alert: "Breaking the Silence" = Junk Journalism
The program Breaking the Silence has been widely criticized for bias and inaccuracy in depicting a world in which the only abusive parents are fathers. The program amounts to a libel that dads who seek child custody are wife-beaters.
Click "Read more..." for more.
In light of recent revalations (listed below), it's no longer appropriate to ask that the show be revised. The bias is so widespread and so egregious that there's no solution other than to pull the plug on this sad example of a "documentary."
The local PBS affiliates choose which shows they will air. This week, we're asking you to contact your local PBS station. Explain to them:
- It is now known that the filmmakers were informed on numerous occasions that one of the mothers featured in the film had been found by a court to have committed eight counts of child abuse. But the producers chose to portray her as the victim anyway. [http://www.glennsacks.com/pbs/loeliger.php]
- The American Psychological Association has now called the film's claims "incorrect", and says that far from having debunked PAS, the APA has no official position on PAS. [http://www.glennsacks.com/pbs/apa-102405.php]
- A number of people with stories of anti-father court bias have now come forward to say that the producers scheduled and then cancelled interviews with then. [http://www.familytx.org/research/articles/PAS/BreakingTheScience-OstrichSyndrome.html#rejected-interviewees]
Then request that they:
- Not broadcast "Breaking the Silence".
- Produce a documentary focusing on the plight of children abused by their mothers, and the anguish of fathers who are prevented by the courts from protecting their children.
To find your local PBS affiliate:
- Go to http://www.pbs.org/stationfinder/index.html and enter your zip code, or
- Look in your local telephone directory
Date of RADAR Release: November 6, 2005
R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a network of concerned men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner: http://www.mediaradar.org/.
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