Senate Puts Off Vote on Controversial VAWA

Despite enormous pressure by VAWA advocates, the Senate failed to vote on the Violence Against Women Act yesterday. We believe the reason for the delay is that bill contains a number of contentious issues. The Senate has now adjourned, and will come back into session this coming Wednesday.

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Senate Puts Off Vote on Controversial VAWA

This is good news for us, because it gives us a few more days to get our message across.

At this point, this is what we are asking for:

  1. The Senate bill needs to include clear and explicit language that clarifies that male DV victims are entitled to service. The Senate bill currently has male-inclusive language, but we want to make it much stronger.
  2. The bill needs to remove specific references to women and girls, to make the language gender-neutral.

Watch for RADAR’s Alert coming out this Monday morning.

In the meantime, if you want to contact your Senator at their local office on Monday or Tuesday, that’s fine.

But it’s important that we stay on message – see points 1. and 2. above. If you request other changes to VAWA, it will dilute the key message that advocates for equal treatment are trying to make.

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