Misandry alive and well at new web site

bandersnatch writes "From Don't Date Him Girl:

Each day, thousands of women around the world are cheated on by their boyfriends, fiancés and husbands. A man’s infidelity causes the destruction of thousands of marriages, engagements and relationships every year. What’s a woman to do? Hire expensive private detectives? Pay for costly background checks? Now, women have a new cost-effective weapon in the war on cheating men! Founded by women with women in mind, www.DontDateHimGirl.com is a free service that allows sisters to share their experiences with cheating men by posting pictures and other information about them in an easy-to-use, searchable database. Using www.DontDateHimGirl.com is easy. To warn other women about a cheating man by posting his picture and profile into the database, simply log on and follow the instructions for posting. To find out about a suspected cheater, log on, type the cheater’s name into the database and watch as the website searches through hundreds of pictures and profiles to find a match!

-- So we're all cheaters? Lovely. Not to mention if a man ends an relationship with a vindictive woman -- she could easily post his pictures on this site and slander his character with impunity. And no one would doubt her word because um, "thousands of women around the world are cheated on by their boyfriends, fiancés and husbands"."

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