MRAs in India Face a Backlash

bharati writes "First they laugh at us, then they ignore us and when they cannot Ignore us they fight with us and that is when we win.
Our modest success has provoked our openents into realising that no longer are we ignorable and hence the backlash has started and when there is a backlash we know we are winning."

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"And it helps us to know that we are the part of international turning of tide and of course the books by Christina Hoff Sommers and Warren Farell & the Fathers 4 Justice experience, etc. With the divorce rates doubling every year and expected to rise to at least 20-25% of all marriages after DV bill in next 5 years, we are already ready to cut it to size. We will not allow our elder abuse and, yes, men also have no right to be abused."

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